Be prepared! Plan your next trip to one of the great Idaho parks. Download maps and guides before you venture into the Wi-Fi free wilderness.
- 45+ national parks, state parks, monuments, forests
- 190+ neatly folded maps by the National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, United States Forest Services, and other agencies.
- Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM), Motor Vehicle Travel Maps (MVTM) and visitor maps for Idaho national forests.
- 1,600+ campgrounds and campsites
- 3,000+ trails and trailheads
- 39,000+ points of interests
- Download maps, park brochures, and newspapers. These downloads are ready when you are offline and off the grid in the great outdoors.
- Download arbitrary map sections as offline packs.
- Photo galleries, panorama views.
- Share links to parks and maps with friends
Have fun
- GPS and GPX support: record your hikes, import GPX routes, tracks and waypoints for your hiking trails.
- Detailed national park information: alerts, news, visitor centers, campgrounds, driving directions, weather.
- Open your favorite maps app to get a route to the selected park.
- Current weather conditions, easy access to multi-day forecasts, sunrise and sunset times.
- Push notifications for park alerts, park news, weather warnings
So download maps and guides for:
Bear Lake
City of Rocks
Coeur dAlene Lake
Craters of the Moon
Crystal Lake
Deer Flat
Fossil Butte
Grand Teton
Hagerman Fossil Beds
Idaho Panhandle
Jim McClure-Jerry Peak
John D Rockefeller Jr
Lewis & Clark
Lost Lake
Lower Salmon River
Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey
Nez Perce
West Yellowstone
White Clouds
Widow Mountain
Wilson Creek
Wyoming Range